Friday, November 11, 2022

NaNo Rebel '22, Day 11: Onward?

     Gah, what a day.

    Bad, good, I don't even know.

    Like, there's been minor bad--there's a lump on my arm where I got the COVID booster shot yesterday and it hurts like crazy when I touch it--and much more serious bad news--the passing of the most iconic Batman of all time--and if I actually looked at any news outlets (rather than relying on what people are posting in VN-dev-related Discord channels) I'm sure there's lots of absolutely ghastly bad news out there.

    On the good but irrelevant side, I finished the fanfic I'd been working on, so that's one less distraction from finishing the VN script.  (But also one less source of words for NaNo, so...🤷)  I did advance the plot a bit in the VN script, moving ever onwards towards completion,'s still a bit of a slog.  Also part of how I advanced the plot was to admit that I had no idea what needed to be in the scene I had started, and just leave it for the other writer to handle. 😥  (In my defense, it was pre-arranged that they would handle the romantic/flirty stuff, and that was what the scene needed to be mostly about, so...)  I also ended up making a crazy impulse purchase from Big Bad Toy Store, for two things I totally don't need but which are epic.  (I mean, the Zuko statuette is pretty defensible, really, but what excuse do I have for buying a translucent blue T-Rex other than the fact that it was half-off and a translucent blue T-Rex?)

    And on the "I don't even know" side, there's the fact that today the weather decided to be winter, even though for the last three days it's been more like "sure, it's November, but it's early November, so it's totally still summer!"  And, of course, I'm watching with morbid fascination from Discord as people post things about the rapid self-destruction of Twitter, which definitely has this "can't look away from a trainwreck" vibe, but only if the trainwreck is just close enough that it might spin away from the tracks and end up hitting you, considering that some of what's going on might end up seriously damaging the stock market, or maybe doing something even worse. 😰  (Gotta say, though, one of the things they posted in DevTalk was about how someone had faked a "verified" Lockheed Martin account in order to announce an end to weapon sales to certain governments...and they did that yesterday instead of today?  I mean, come on!  If whoever is behind that fake account was really hoping to better the world by trying to force Lockheed to back off weapon sales in order to save face, they would have done better to do so today, since 11/11 is Armistice Day.  Someone clearly failed their 20th century history classes.  As someone with a History MA, this bothers me. 😡 )

    Also, I am feeling very frustrated that the next volume of The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation is a whole month away.  😭  I don't want to wait that long!  (And yet with NaNo going, no way I can justify turning to WebNovel to read the rest of the novel now.  Though I may end up doing that after this next volume, and then reread the whole novel in one go when the final physical volume comes out in early April.  Depending on where things stand at the end of the next volume.)  Also frustrating is that next week is the release of the first volume of a non-MXTX danmei novel from Seven Seas, only right now they don't have any listing of how many volumes there are going to be or how long it will take them to publish them all, so it's like...I'm hesitant to make that leap without knowing how long it'll take to get the rest of the story?  I don't know if that makes much sense.  It wouldn't be such a problem if it wasn't that I guarantee online translations are already out there, so if I start reading it in the physical form, I'll end up accidentally running into all kinds of spoilers.  (Like the at least three different spoilers for Heaven Official's Blessing that I've already run of which seemed to be specifically about the very ending...)

    ...anyway, this is all sort of radically off topic.

    I'll just get to my word counts for the day and go make my dinner instead of going on further.

    Today's word count:  1,872

    Words written in November to date:  22,330

    (Today's "on schedule" goal according to NaNoWriMo:  18,337)

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