Wednesday, October 2, 2024

IWSG: good grief


    Ugh, somehow I haven't posted anything since last month.  I keep starting posts and not finishing them.

    Which kind of feels emblematic of everything I'm doing lately.  Though I guess in the case of my writing it's more like being stuck in a rut of editing and waiting to edit but not doing much in the way of writing.

    Though I did at least write a very brief short story over the last few days.  Nothing exciting or special or even good, least it was writing instead of editing or working on compiling my resource document on supernatural beings in Chinese mythology.  😅

     I think my rut will probably naturally break once cool weather finally arrives.  I just don't work well in heat.

    At least, I hope it will.


    Not much of a post.

    But I can't answer the suggested question, because my policy on scary things is to avoid them. 😅  Though I have read Dracula a few times.  Not sure if vampires apply, though, since the question was about "ghostly" stories.  I don't usually read things with ghosts.


    Okay, depending on what the ghosts are like.  I mean, technically Hua Cheng is a ghost.  (Technically?)  But Heaven Official's Blessing is not really what I would call a "ghostly" story, despite how many of the cast are ghosts.  There are ghosts in Mo Dao Zu Shi, too, but they're not really all that large a part of the plot.

    That's a thought, though.  Rereading Heaven Official's Blessing for Halloween would be a trip.  🤣


  1. I think we all go through times when we can't get motivated to work on our manuscripts much. I'm still trying to get back into a better routine. I hope you get into your writing schedule as the weather cools.

  2. I don't much like editing and I guess that's why I put them off more often than I should. Editing is hard, probably more than writing itself. So I think you shouldn't feel too bad not being able to continue. I find if I can't edit, I write or do something that have nothing to do with writing.

    Have a lovely day.

  3. I enjoy the self-editing portion because I usually surprise myself with some "Oh, it's not as bad as I thought!" comments.

  4. We all do go through these writing ruts at times. I hope the cool weather helps and you get your groove back!

  5. For some reason, I find editing a story (especially a short story) fun because so many new ideas pop up that add to the quality of the story. Probably why I stick to writing short stories these days. Good luck getting back into the writing routine. As for scary stories: My fav spooky tales are chicken-skin tales about urban stories of night marchers, and of Madame Pele, the volcano goddess, who appeared along the roadside when people were in need.
