Thursday, June 13, 2024


     Okay, this is going to be a weird one.

    Yesterday, my brother and I were at my parents' house.  Nothing big going on, we just end up over there at least once a week, because...well, because.  It's the sort of thing that maybe didn't feel so weird when we were in our twenties, but is starting to feel decidedly abnormal now that we're both in our forties.  (Heck, I'm almost to my fifties at this point.)  On the other hand, it typically includes a free meal, so...

    Anyway, there we were, at our parents' house, and they wanted to watch something.  Rather than the most recent episode of Doctor Who, it was suggested that we watch a movie.  And my brother had been wanting to get the rest of us to watch the Jack Black movie School of Rock since none of the rest of us had seen it.

    So that's what we watched.

    A bit pat in places, and I disliked the stereotyped depiction of the gay boy, but it was overall fun, and I appreciated that despite the "date" and stuff they didn't do a standard Hollywood forced "romance" between Jack Black's lead and Joan Cusack.  (As an aroace person, I'm particularly rankled by forced romances in movies.  Let people stay single, ya jerks!)

    Anyway.  What I wanted to talk about was my double-take moment during the end credits.

    There were, naturally enough, lots of song credits at the end.  And one of them was for the song "T.V. Eye."  Listed right after songs by Marc Bolan and David Bowie, just where you'd expect to see Iggy Pop, right?

    Only the reason I did a double-take, the reason I forced my father (who always handles the remote, even at times when it 100% does not make sense for him to do so) to rewind so I could look at the song's listing again, was that the "performed by" credit didn't say "The Stooges" or "Iggy Pop and the Stooges" or whatever else you would expect it to say.

    It said "Wylde Ratts."

    That's one of the names Curt Wild's band goes by in Velvet Goldmine.

    More importantly, it's the "performed by" credit for Curt's songs in the end credits of the movie, and the "performed by" credit on the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack for "T.V. Eye."  (Sadly, the soundtrack does not include "Gimme Danger," so when I did an expanded soundtrack for Velvet Goldmine (for my own personal use only, ofc) I had to get my brother to grab the audio off the DVD of the movie and prepare it as an .mp3 for me.  Wish I could have done the same thing for "T.V. Eye," actually, since the performance in the movie is better than the one on the soundtrack, but unfortunately there's a huge chunk of dialog over the guitar solo.)

    Meaning that they didn't use Iggy Pop's recording of the song, they used "Curt Wild's" recording.  So that if they had used the vocals (they obviously didn't, 'cause I would have noticed that!) then that would have been Ewan McGregor's voice.

    Which is epic.

    I went to IMDB and looked all over the place on School of Rock's page there, to see if there was any mention of the Velvet Goldmine connection, but there wasn't.  Which is kind of disappointing.

    Anyway, I just felt like that was the sort of thing I ought to share with the world. 😅  It's not crucial, deep or meaningful, but I, personally, found it interesting.

    And wild.

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