Wednesday, June 5, 2024

IWSG: um

    I an at a weird lull in my writing life.

    It's not writer's block, though.  It's more like being without a project.

    I mean, I kinda have a project, in that I started the script for a goofy visual novel,'s not really the same thing, since I feel no particular obligation to finish it, not even an obligation to myself.

    I do have a lot of story ideas sitting around waiting for me to start working on them (or in the case of most of them, "start fleshing them out to be sufficient to work on"), but...most of them are likely to turn out to be really long.  Hopefully not as long as the one that I spent eleven months writing, but it's not impossible.  (There is also the terrifying possibility that some of them might end up even longer.)

    That massive work is kind of one of the reasons I don't want to start any potentially long projects, actually.  Because I plan to start work on its second draft in August (it's fan fiction, y'see, and I plan to rewatch the source material starting near the end of June) so I don't want to be deep in the middle of some other project.

    Probably what I should do with the intervening time is to start the heavy research that I'll need to put in before I can rewrite book four of the Atalanta and Ariadne series.  In that book they visit Babylon, so I need to know what it was like in approximately 1237 BCE.  (Yeah, I actually have a date that specific.  Though it's never used in the books themselves, obviously.  But I needed to know what year it was to know what else was going on in the world during their travels.  (Also, I had to assign specific years to a great many events in the past in order to have a definite chronology for the most pertinent events in Greek mythology so that the novels will remain consistent on those various points.  Also so I'd know how old the various surviving Greeks who took part in the Trojan War are.  And how long it had been since various events like the exploits of Heracles, etc.)  Especially when they visit Egypt in book five.  😅  Fortunately, that'll be a lot easier to research when I get there, since I just have to look up the late reign of Ramses II.)

    For the moment, I am (somewhat to my shame) mostly just letting my brain unwind with video games. 😅  Though that kinda makes me feel like a fraud as a writer...

    I realize that this has not been much of a post, but unfortunately this month's suggested question is not one that I have anything to say about, so...I didn't really have anything else to talk about.


  1. As another writer who knows how cumbersome the research process can be- I write historical fiction- I understand how that legit is a massive undertaking. I think it's ok to say you're taking research time for a bit and know you're still being productive. Good luck!

  2. Hi, Iphis! You participated regardless! Good for you. Sometimes the best thing we can do is give our brains a rest. Happy June to you!

  3. I have some research to dive into for my next book, as well. I keep procrastinating!

  4. I think you talked about some pretty useful ideas that we writers confront perhaps more often than not. I jump between two genres (historical fiction and police suspense stories), both require considerable research for me to feel the story develops authentically, precisely one idea you talk of. But I can't balance more than one project at a time, as you suggest. Maybe nice walks as we head into summer will help you get some of those ideas down on paper, even if they become 'someday' projects. Believe in yourself and keep writing!
