Thursday, November 9, 2023

NotNaNo '23, Day 9: not a good day

 I don't know quite what caused it, but I was having more heart palpitations all morning.  I did manage to write the next scene, which was quite a doozy emotionally (the lead, who has a very volatile temper and a fair bit of pride, overhears people saying terrible things about his clan, including accusing them of arson), but then I had to stop in the hopes I could get my heart back under control.

It did eventually calm down around lunchtime (not sure if it was playing Ooblets or eating lunch that did the trick) but by then I'd had news that my mom was in the hospital, so I was in no state to keep writing.  Thankfully, it turned out she was just being held for observation because the scheduled cardiac tests that were being run this morning showed something the doctors thought was worrying, but she said she feels fine, so...I just have to hope she is fine.  Given the way the doctors have totally failed to diagnose anything about my own heart problem, I'm having trouble feeling super-confident about them.

By the time the radio silence from the hospital was finally over, I just needed a long bath to try and calm myself.  And by the time that was over, there was zero chance of properly returning to writing.  (Although I did just barely start the next scene just now on my phone...)

So, anyway, my numbers today are pretty puny.

Total words in work:  283,640

Words written today:  2,094

Words written in November to date:  33,640

(No chart today; that's on the computer only.)

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