Saturday, November 20, 2021

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     Well, today was at least a lot better than the last two days.

    I spent all morning backing up my laptop before risking connecting that USB keyboard to it, which is honestly neither good nor bad.  (Though I really should back it up more often.  *cough*)

    Then I went out to lunch and the local anime store with my brother, so that was actually really good.  I mean, lunch was sort of mediocre at best, but going to the anime store is always fun, and they had gotten in a bunch of new stuff, and I spent much too much money. 😅  Though it was a lot less because they were having a sale on everything in the store 'cause it's their anniversary, and also because they had sold a bunch of the stuff I've had with them on consignment for, like, probably close to ten years at this point, so that money came off my total, too, so it wasn't so bad as it might have been.  (Way less than my brother's total, at least!)

    Upon getting back home, I finally hooked up that USB keyboard to see if it works.  And it does.  Of course, it's slightly different in size from a laptop's keyboard, which is weird and for some reason was hurting my pinky finger (like I was keeping it curled up high for some reason without meaning to and that was making it hurt?), and the method to write on a loose keyboard and on a laptop are totally different, and the loose keyboard methods don't really work in any of my usual setups, so that sucks.  I'm going to have to get a proper standing desk, I guess.  Though I have zero clue as to where the heck I would put such a thing.  😓

    I even got through one of the "slated for total rewrite" scenes today; in the earlier drafts, there was a minor villain(?) character who has so little "screen" time that when she shows up during the final battle and is able to literally merge herself with wood (if you've seen Vampire Hunter D:  Bloodlust, one of the enemies in that has that ability, which is what I was shamelessly ripping off, lol) it's like "where the f%^ did that come from?!"  So, in the previous draft I had put in a scene in her POV to show off her ability and let you know what she's thinking...which totally took any mystery or suspense out of how she was going to behave when she showed up to the final battle.  For this new version, therefore, I took the core elements of that scene (having Cheiron actually show up, since a large chunk of the book takes place on and/or at the foot of Mount Pelion, where he famously lives, and clarifying some stuff about some new divine backstory I invented for the novel), and wrote a new scene in Cheiron's POV so that the villain(?)'s behavior would still be uncertain, but her ability to merge with wood is fully revealed before it becomes a plot point. :D  The scene still isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination (I mean, nothing I write is, but I could probably do a lot better, is what I mean), but it's a huge improvement over what I did with the previous draft.

    Anyway, on to the numbers.

    Yesterday's total word count was 86,302.

    Today's total word count is 88,308.

    So, I wrote 2,006 words today.  Which is pretty bad, but given the whole "trying to adapt to a totally new method of writing," I didn't want to push it by trying to do the next scene.  (Even though the next scene is very short.)  Also I wanted to get all my computer stuff done by dinner time, because after dinner I need to go do an enormous grocery run, because I need to stock my fridge, freezer and pantry with enough food that I won't need to go to another grocery store until about a week from Monday, because next week is Thanksgiving, which means grocery stores will be insane from now until...well, actually, pretty much until Christmas, really, but they'll be especially bad between now and Thanksgiving itself.  (Admittedly, the holiday does mean I won't need as much food to get by, since Thursday's lunch will be at my parents' place, and I guarantee that even though they try not to get more than the four of us are going to eat, there will definitely still be leftovers, so that'll probably provide me with another meal or two.  Still, more than a week is a lot of food...)

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