Monday, November 30, 2020

Not-NaNo Final Day!


It's the last day of November.

Not sure what else I can say.

I did at least get a little writing done today.  Some of it was actually pretty good, in fact.  The cousins have arrived at the port in Troy now (one major flaw here is that I have zero idea what kind of port and/or docks various cities had in the Late Bronze Age, and I've just kind of flubbed around on the assumption that there was something kinda/sorta like what was present in the historic era in Greece, which may well be completely wrong), and I had some fun with the port official who greeted them and tried to intimidate them with his officialness...until Eurysakes (who is this enormous guy in full armor and carrying a shield as big as he is) let him know that he was the son of the #2 Greek champion from the war.  Then the official got kind of pale and frightened and yet was still trying to yap intimidatingly.

Then after he went away, the captain of the boat (who had fought in the war, as I feel like maybe I mentioned at some point before?) helped identify some of the foreign visitors they were seeing on the shore, and when he spotted some Ethiopians he changed the subject to tell them about the former king of Ethiopia, Memnon, who was the most beautiful man who fought in the Trojan War, and how there were whispers (when no one important could hear them) that Achilles had actually killed him out of jealousy because he'd never met a man better-looking than himself before.  I was also able to mention what most accounts don't, that Memnon had a brother, who was now ruling Ethiopia in his place.

So that was kind of fun.

I probably would have gotten a lot more done, but then I heard someone messing around on my porch, and it was someone from the water company, I saw as they drove off again, and I was suddenly afraid that I was behind on my payments and they were going to shut off my water (even though I had paid my previous bill on time), so I had to turn off my good laptop and turn on my internet laptop to check and see that no, I was had no payments due at this time, so whatever the heck that guy was doing, it wasn't about that.  (I still kind of want to know what it was, but...I have no idea who the heck I could ask!)  In any case, then I started looking at Cyber Monday sales, and there went most of my day.  (*sigh*)

I was going to turn in the first ten pages of my proofreading work, only when I went back to have a look at them to make sure there weren't any errors in my own text, I noticed some spots where I missed the original author using the wrong tense, so I have to go back and fix that before I can turn in the work.  (And I can't do that on this computer, because it would put the wrong name on the comments, as I am doing my proofing work under my pen name not my real name, and I can't find a way to make the modern Word change what name it uses on the comments.  Which sounds like a dumb reason, but...)


Anyway, my total time in November spent working on my various writing projects turned out to be 45:18:10.98.  Which is not the least bit cool, but...hey, at least now I can close the timer app on my phone without worrying it'll erase my hour count! ;)

I wanted to calculate my rough number of words (though they can't be totally accurate since there was a lot of coding and stuff), but due to the panic over the guy from the water company, that didn't happen.  I'll calculate that by IWSG on Wednesday. ;)  (I'm pretty sure The Walls of Troy got up to about 23k, and then the glossary for Are You A Better General Than Agamemnon? was over 17k, pre-coding, so that's like 40k, so I actually got pretty close to hitting the official NaNo mark even though I was going for time rather than words.  That's something, right?)

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