Sunday, November 1, 2020

Not-NaNo Day One: Enter the Double-Rebel

 So, it's the first of November.  And as people around the world are hunkering down to work on brand new novels, I am hunkering down to...write whatever the heck I feel like.

Last year, in my one-woman boycott of the official NaNoWriMo (due to the horrible new site), I still counted words and worked on traditional fiction.

This year, in my continued one-woman boycott, I am changing to measuring time and working on games.  Because that's what I happen to be into working on right now.  (They're text-heavy games, though.  An interactive reworking of one of my old novels, and possibly a visual novel after that.)

So...that's where I am right now.

I only put in one hour and six minutes today, which is probably less than I really want to do in a single day.  (Haven't made up my mind what my goal is yet.  I think at my rate of writing, I probably need to do about two hours a day, minimum, to do approximately the same amount of work as it takes me to get to 50K on a novel.  So my goal may be 60 hours.  But I'm not sure yet.)

Biggest hurdle in the near future is deciding what in the world to title the game.  It's the first chapter of the old novel, in which the two teenage heroine on the island of Lesbos in the terminal Late Bronze Age escape from the slavery they were born into, and board a Phoenician boat on its way (though they don't know this when they board) towards the partially rebuilt Troy.  (And their fathers were two of the most important heroes among the Greek army that destroyed the city, so that's a big deal!  Not that they ever met their fathers, having been fathered on slave girls during the one night their fathers were staying in that city on Lesbos, but...the one who's Achilles' daughter is very fond of telling all and sundry who her father was.)  I think I'm currently planning on calling the whole novel (and/or the game version of it) The Walls of Troy (which is not a particularly good name for it, but better than its original title, since the original title was incomprehensible until you find out what's going on, and then it becomes a spoiler), but what to call the game version of just this one chapter about them escaping clue.

Another hurdle is that I'll have to decide if I want to count working on the graphics towards my hour count or not. :P

NotNaNo hour count: 1:06:44.93

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