Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Not-NaNo Day 3 - Well...

 So, to start with, I totally goofed in yesterday's post.  I didn't "almost do two hours" yesterday.  I almost did three hours yesterday, so yesterday I was actually ten minutes short of being caught up to doing two hours a day.  How I missed that, I do not know.

Anyway, I did about two and a half hours today, and finished up the glossary for the escape game.  I still need to rework the one scene I got feedback on, and then replace Thessaly/Thessalian with Aiolia/Aiolian, and run the spellcheck on the glossary, but mostly the writing is done for that one and I can move on to getting it coded and getting it ready graphically.

The glossary, btw, clocks in at 7,101 words, so if I was counting words, I'd be in good shape for 50K!  That says, to me, that my choice of two hours a day seems like a good one; if I stick to that, I should be at the equivalent of my usual 90-200k words for November.  (Okay, I only broke 200k once, and it was for a trilogy of novellas, but still, it did happen!)

I'm actually surprised that I managed to get in two and a half hours, considering I lost an hour to going to vote, and then another three or so to having lunch with my brother, watching the first episode of season two of The Mandalorian (promising start to the season, btw), and then watching some random Rifftrax stuff.  We had planned on watching something with Sean Connery in it as a tribute, but then stuff happened and we decided to put that off for another day and watch short things instead so I could be home in time to eat my own food instead of his (and/or instead of eating out for two meals in a row).





Needless to say, I'm antsy about how the election is going to turn out.  I did what I could by voting and by giving some money to the candidates I support, but I couldn't give much money because I'm out of a job, and I'm too socially phobic to do any volunteer work, so...I mean...ugh, it's just all so...I don't even know what words to use to describe it all.  Other than, you know, a bad dream.  (I was seriously afraid to go to the polling place because I was worried there would be gangs of men with massive guns trying to intimidate people out of voting.  I should have known not to worry about that, of course, because I live in a middle class neighborhood that's mostly white people; the gangs of armed white supremacists will have been out menacing low income people of color, not middle-class white people.  And I hate that we live in a world where people can do that--a world where they actually do that.)

I'm probably going to stay up late and do my IWSG post shortly after midnight, so that I don't have to try and be coherent tomorrow morning when preliminary results may begin showing up.  (Though realistically, we can't know the actual results for days, if not weeks, given all the mail-in ballots.)

Total hours written in November to date: 6:18:49.89

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