Saturday, November 14, 2020

Not-NaNo Day 14: The slog is real

 I didn't even spend that long working today, but it felt so amazingly tedious that I couldn't take more than about an hour and a half.  But on the plus side, the Glossary is inserted into Are You A Better General Than Agamemnon? and it actually works!  (And yes, part of the tedium was having to click on every single entry to make sure they work.  There are 233 of them, so that actually took quite some time!)

I started work on trying to simplify how the two screens that share the fates of all the people involved on both sides of the war work, to make sure that they display correctly (apparently, some of the epilogue passages didn't show on the original build), but it's a very complex process, and I didn't get very far it in before I was feeling entirely wiped out and felt the deep-seated need to stop for the day.

Tomorrow, I hope to get it finished and the new build uploaded, but I have a feeling that's just not going to be in the cards...

Total time in November to date:  28:42:29.46

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