Wednesday, January 8, 2025

IWSG - postless post


    Not sure what to write here today.  I'm not really feeling the monthly suggested question, either.

    I'm having trouble writing lately.  Not writer's block, per se, just...I don't know.  Lack of motivation, inability to concentrate, inability to pick a new project, lack of inspiration...I don't know what it is.

    I do have a new project that I'm planning--the script for a game, rather than standard fiction--but I'm still just muddling along in the planning stages, not finished defining who the characters are or even exactly what the place is where it's set.

    Today it's also not helping that it sorta feels like time was shut off a few days ago:  it started snowing late Saturday night and finished in the wee hours of Monday morning.  Who knows when I'll next leave my house.  😰  (Thankfully, I do have plenty of food.  And if I run out, it's not that far to the grocery store, like half a mile at most.  I could walk it if I wasn't so badly out of shape.)  As of right now (early Tuesday), the street still isn't properly cleared, and my driveway is not likely to show itself for a very long time.  I have heard very few cars leaving the other houses in the subdivision, and no mail was delivered yesterday; it really feels like time has simply stopped because of the storm.  That makes it even harder to focus on writing.

    But the lack of a project grabbing me and saying "write me!" is the biggest problem.

    And that's a hard one to conquer.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds a bit eerie...
    Do something really different this week. Read something really different, watch something different, research a place you'd like to visit. That might get your imagination going.
