Thursday, August 1, 2024

Notes on my rewatch of The Untamed, parts 32 and 33

     I think I'm actually a little relieved that they decided to incongruously use "The Rites of Spring" for some of the music during the Nightless City Massacre.  The unexpected images of dinosaurs help to pull me out of the tragedy unfolding.

    I think it just implied that Lan Wangji was the one who brought Jiang Yanli there, in the hopes of defusing the situation.

    That...that actually makes a lot of sense to me.

    Though it's horrible in its own way, too.


    I have successfully weathered the tragic conclusion of the flashback and come out the other side.  And there's still half an hour left in this episode, so hopefully I will recover nicely from all this crying.  😭

    For what little it's worth, right at the end of the flashback, when Jiang Cheng comes over to finish him off (er, force Lan Wangji to let go of him, rather), when Lan Wangji tells him to stop, he uses "Jiang Wanyin."  Which is the first time his courtesy name has been used since his failed self-introduction at the start of the flashback.

    I really don't grasp the rules for using courtesy names in this.  Or rather, if the rules I thought were the case are the case, then no one seems to obey them where Jiang Cheng is concerned.  (I know the rules in MDZS are not the hard-and-fast rules for every time and setting, as the courtesy names in Thousand Autumns seem to work vastly differently.  But that's set not just in a specific time period but actually in a specific year, whereas MDZS is in an ahistorical setting drawing on customs from multiple eras.) glasses have had the tear spots cleaned off and I'm no longer crying to make more, so it's time to see Wei Wuxian wake up in the present in Cloud Recesses...

    ...and the subtitles say he's waking up in "Yingzhu Hall."  Uh.  Not helpful, actually.  But given what the name is written on, no way in heck is my Google Translate app gonna be able to read it.  Hmm...I wonder, though...

    ...well, I looked up both "Tranquility" and "Silence" in the Google Translate browser thingy to see if either of them would look like what's written on the sign, and they do not, so I'm outta ideas.

    I like that Lan Wangji is playing Wangxian on his guqin when Wei Wuxian wakes up.  💞

    So, according to the Google Translate app on my phone, the sign there says "the room is quiet."  🤣  I suppose that means the subtitles are more accurate for saying "Silence Room" than the official translation of the novel is for saying "Tranquility Room"?  I'm not sure which I should go with, considering "Silence Room" sounds pretty bonkers in English.  (Which would be why the novel's translators decided to go with "Tranquility" instead.)  Either way can work for the way it's mentioned in the fic, though, as either provides Jiang Cheng's POV ample reason to (mistakenly) assume that Wei Wuxian wouldn't have stayed there a moment longer than necessary.  (By the time it's brought up, they're already sleeping together, but he doesn't know that. 🤣)

    Why am I so surprised that the Lan Clan owns horses that aren't white?

    Actually, come to think of it, I'm kinda surprised the Lan Clan has horses at all.  We don't see many shots of anyone on horseback in this show, as far as I recall.  They mostly seem to walk everywhere.  (Well, unless they're flying. 🤣)

    Ah.  I should note this.  While the homes of the cultivation clans all look different, the towns all look kind of the same:  black timber with white in between.  (Actually, like the above shot of Lan Wangji's house, come to think of it, though the roofing is different.)

    I'm not sure that's truly relevant, considering I never describe things, but...


    Made it through three episodes in one day.

    And did not cry my eyes right out of their sockets.  😅

    I kinda would have liked it if the vender hawking bogus Yiling Laozu portraits was one of the con men from before, but of course that would be ludicrous.  Still, I'd like to see the reaction of that one guy to seeing Wei Wuxian again, and maybe wondering if he was the real deal come to claim vengeance on him for taking his name in vain.  🤣

    Kinda funny that the middle of this episode was practically a clip show, mostly reminding us of what happened in the first two episodes and the Cloud Recesses study arc, since that was such a very long time ago that people might have forgotten!  (Though it would have been even longer if they had been running this show weekly instead of posting two episodes a day with a few days off periodically.  Imagine if it had taken two weeks shy of a full year to post the whole show, instead of not quite two months!)

    I think I had something else to say, but I've forgotten what it was now.  And I think I need to move around a little; I've been sitting here for like two hours now.

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