Thursday, August 15, 2024

Notes on my rewatch of The Untamed, part 45

     "Soul-Chaos Script."


    WTF is that supposed to be?


    Oh well.

    Spoilers and incoherent nonsense notes follow the read more tag.

    I love the fact that even though all those people think Wei Wuxian is the embodiment of evil, somehow they can't help letting him talk long enough that they realize he's right.  🤣  He's like Captain Kirk around a crazy computer:  once he opens his mouth, he's won.  🤣

    Hmm.  Y'know, I think for the most part they really did decide to avoid using more than one name for most of the characters.  They're exclusively using "Su She" instead of "Su Minshan" in dialog here.  So...I'm not sure what that means for my fic.  Well, no.  It means I'm gonna say "f that" and just go ahead using the names the way they were used in the novel, because it feels more "correct" that way.  Just because the show decided that aside from periodic mentions of courtesy or birth names, only the two leads and the villain get any extensive use of both, that doesn't mean that I have to follow that, because it's obviously a constraint of the medium; they worried that people wouldn't remember so many names, so they decided not to use as many.  I kind of doubt their audience would actually have that much trouble with it, but...🤷

    OMG, I keep having to pause the video to clean tears off my glasses.  Wen Ning coming to realize that Lan Sizhui is really a-Yuan all grown up is so painfully sweet!  They're both just such adorable sweeties.

    Also, Cast Members with Obviously Pierced Ears tally +1:  Lan Sizhui

    Ah, the scene gets so emotional that Wen Ning's actor is about to cry:  there are tears welling up in his eyes, and that's got to be real, 'cause Wen Ning can't cry after he's no longer human, so they wouldn't have added fake tears.

    On top of my general problems with them making Ouyang Zizhen's father of the same generation as Jin Guangshan, I want to know why the heck the Ouyangs changed from red to blue clothes in between the scene in the Burial Mounds and this scene on the docks.  It's weird and confusing.

    Hmm.  One of Nie Huaisang's helpers must have been really on top of things to get the two women provided with rare medical herbs and arriving at Lotus Pier just in time.  (It works out beautifully for that one NHS-centric fic I have in mind...)  I really do wonder how many assistants he's got wrangling things behind the scenes.  I guess it depends how many groups of juniors they were having to drive to Yi City.  All indications are that the Lans weren't with anyone from other clans, and Jin Ling we know was by himself, but as I recall the only other junior in the group whose name we learn is Ouyang Zizhen, so we don't know if the others all came with him or if they were in multiple groups.    However many groups there were, the bare minimum number of helpers is one smaller than that number, since he would have been working with Jin Ling himself, not daring to risk anyone else running afoul of Jiang Cheng.  (If he, personally, had been caught, he could have played the fool enough to settle Jiang Cheng's temper, since they've known each other since they were boys, and Jiang Cheng has always dismissed him as a moron.)

    Wow, why the heck am I wasting my time on writing this right now?

    The actress playing Sisi is way too young.  She should be at least forty and more probably should be in her fifties; that woman looks more like late twenties or maybe early thirties.  I mean, I know I'm not the best at guessing ages, but she's definitely not old enough to be Meng Shi's age, which she ought to be.  In fact, none of the "too old" prostitutes in her flashback are anywhere near old enough.  😰  (One problem with this sequence in the drama is that we never get it explained to us just why Jin Guangyao spared Sisi when he had all the others killed.  But it would have been really hard for them to find a way to show us that considering it involved her literally baring her breasts on the street.  Y'know, that's something else that's a problem with this scene:  Sisi doesn't have nearly as much personality and spunk as she did in her brief appearance in the novel.)


    They changed the location of the Qin Clan.  It's now from Yueling instead of Laoling.

    I have no freaking clue where Yueling is.


    I guess since my map is not actually related to the map in the art book anyway, I may as well just change the label for Laoling to say Yueling...?

    Actually, maybe I should just delete it entirely.  It's not like anyone goes there.  😅

    Ah.  This may come up in some fic or other:  Qin Su is younger than Jin Guangyao.  Admittedly, we don't know by how much (even a single day--heck, even a matter of hours--would be sufficient to still be "younger") but that could easily come up somewhere or other.  I think on the rare occasion she was mentioned in this particular fic, her age mostly didn't come up, aside from one remark from Qin Cangye that "my daughter is about your age," but that would cover a good five years either way considering he was saying that in the hopes of encouraging a wealthy match for said daughter (and equally problematic as the match she got, considering it was Jin Zixuan he was trying to chat up for her 😰) so I don't think I need to change it, but it's good to know for future fics.

    I'm not sure if it's funny or pathetic that Yao-zongzhu's entire role in this story seems to be "first person to loudly shout condemnations whenever anyone is said to have done something wrong."  It's like "could someone please dig up the skeletons in this man's closet so he'll finally shut the f up?"  Not to mention that he's so fast to change sides!  Ugh.  The personification of the mob mentality, I suppose.

    As my rewatch is winding towards a close, I'm both eager to finally be able to start work on the next draft of my fic and also kind of dreading it.  It's a weird feeling.  (And possibly one of the reasons my heart is flipping out right now?  Because I'm worried about having to ask people for advice? 😰  But maybe I can figure things out on my own by just using the rubber duck method.  Or talking at my brother about it.  Which is basically the same as the rubber duck method except that he might actually reply, though of course he knows nothing about the fandom or the culture, but he could at least apply basic logic.)

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