Monday, August 12, 2024

Notes on my rewatch of The Untamed, part 42

     Very confused and astonished and possibly slightly panicked notes follow.  Spoilers abound,



    The scene in the treasure vault.  The cursed dagger.

    After confirming that the dagger belonged to Wen Ruohan, then Jin Guangyao says it had been given to Wen Qing?!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?






    Forgive my panicking, but...omfg, why?!?!?!?!

    You gotta understand, I used that dagger in my fic.

    Specifically, I had Jin Zixun steal it out of Jin Guangshan's treasure vault and give it to one of his buddies, who was then to sneak into Lotus Pier and leave it somewhere they expected it to compel Wen Qing to kill herself with it.  (Obviously, this plan was foiled as it was, among other things, moronic.)

    But...if...if they're saying that...


    I mean, maybe it's not a big problem?

    Maybe I can just ignore that because it wasn't actually true, and was just Jin Guangyao pouring salt into Wei Wuxian's wounds.  (Ain't like he didn't know exactly who the man in the mask was when he let them in there!  And even if he'd had any doubts, after the bit with Suibian in the previous episode, he obviously had no further doubts.  Not that he likely had any anyway.)


    Maybe they're actually trying to say that that was how they killed Wen Qing, was to force her to kill herself with that dagger?

    I mean, that would also be horrible, least it wouldn't change anything in my fic.




    I just have to calm down.

    I have to calm down and keep watching and figure out if this has utterly wrecked my fic afterwards.


    Back to it.  😰

    Many scenes later, we're back at Cloud Recesses, and this time the sign over the door is being translated as "Cultivation Chamber" though it looks kinda like the same place as before?  Wait, let me see if Google Translate gives the same result...and it gives the same result as before, so it still says the sign says "the room is quiet."  So I have no idea why the subtitle reads "Cultivation Chamber" now.  Anyway, that confirms that this is indeed Lan Wangji's house again.

    Problem with Wei Wuxian's conclusion (guess, really) that Mo Xuanyu knew Jin Guangyao's secret and was actually trying to tell Qin Su about it rather than attempting to court her:  if Mo Xuanyu knew any of Jin Guangyao's secrets, then Jin Guangyao would have killed him, not just gotten him kicked out of the clan.

    I think my headcanon for what actually happened in the drama's version is that Mo Xuanyu was poking around Qin Su trying to find out if her marriage was unhappy in the hopes that Jin Guangyao might be desperate enough for a little romance that he'd be willing to overlook the fact that they were half-brothers.  Only then he did learn one of his secrets, and went mad in his fear that Jin Guangyao would kill him to silence him.  Only somehow Jin Guangyao didn't realize Mo Xuanyu had discovered whatever he discovered (Nie Mingjue's head, probably) and thus didn't kill him.

    Not sure that works, either, but the question of why Jin Guangyao never killed Mo Xuanyu when he had murdered all his other half-brothers is a lingering problem even in the novel, to be honest.  (Not that it matters what I figure happened in the drama's version of events that were canceled in my fic, but...I did allow Mo Xuanyu to retain his original sexuality from the novel, so...)

    .....and this episode went back to the "possessed by the devil" mistranslation instead of using "qi deviation."  😭

    I wonder if I say "I want a decent translation of this show!" enough times it'll somehow happen...

    ...probably not...

    (It's probably more likely I'll find a babel fish or a working TARDIS or discover that this is really the Matrix and I can download other languages right into my brain...)



    Huh.  That's weird.  Or maybe I should say it's an awkward musical decision.

    Because the dialog is going along approximately as in the book, right?  It's talking about "if" they can find the score that Jin Guangyao used, etc, right?  Only as soon as the "Book of Turmoil" was produced, Lan Wangji sat down at the guqin that's conveniently in the forbidden room of the library (doesn't everyone keep a well-tuned instrument in their room of forbidden books?), opened the book to some musical notations, and played exactly the "wrong passage" from the Empathy session.

    So...they found the score, then.

    Unless it's not supposed to be the same piece of music, even though it absolutely is.


    I definitely feel like they needed to have four or five more pieces of guqin music than they actually had.  (They pretty much just have the healing piece, the attacking piece, and--of course!--the guqin version of Wangxian.)

    Anyway, there wasn't any further mention of Wen Qing in connection with that dagger--the dagger itself will probably never again be mentioned, in fact--but I'm still left with deep doubts about so much.  I need to double-check its mention in the novel, but I'm pretty sure there was literally no mention of her at that time.  (I'm not even positive she had been introduced yet as a character by that point?, no, surely she had been?  Uh...ugh, it's hard to remember when in the sequence of present events the different flashbacks were.)

    As long as there's no other mentions of her in connection with the dagger in the remaining eight episodes, I'm probably fine?  Because it's easy to believe that Jin Guangyao mentioned her solely to ensure that Wei Wuxian would become emotional and more readily expose himself.  (Not to mention that there is literally no reason to give an assassin's dagger to a doctor.)

    But if there are further mentions, and it turns out to be the truth (like if we see her holding it during the flashback to the golden core transfer or something) then my fic may be deeply screwed.  Because I can't imagine what in the world I could use in place of that dagger for that attempt on her life.  And that attempt on her life prompted a second attempt on her life, one which failed so spectacularly that the failure cost Jin Zixun his own life, and that started the spiral of events into the final confrontation of the fic, so it's not something that can just be dropped, ya know?  But that second attempt was too desperate, he wouldn't have attempted something like that out of the blue without the quarrel that arose between him and his uncle after the first attempt, leaving him urgently seeking a way to get back into his uncle's good graces.

    I mean, technically, I guess it's not that big a deal even if it does turn out to be the truth.  It's an AU anyway, so of course I can just leave an author's note asking people to overlook the inconsistency, it's just...frustrating.  Infuriating.  Maddening.  Something like that.

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