Saturday, June 29, 2024

Random Pride Month Post

So, events seem to be preventing me from watching episode 3 of The Untamed today.  (Which sucks, because that's the episode where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji first meet and have their rooftop duel!  (If it even counts as a duel...))

But I wanted to do a random Pride Month post anyway, so...that's at least something?  (Something I should have gotten to much earlier in the month, more specifically.  😅)

I don't actually have anything to say, to speak of, though.

Mostly I wanted to share some game screenshots.

Because rainbow trail.

The pictures are from Fae Farm, which I've been playing lately (and am almost done with).  The game got an update recently and some of the new potions give your character an effect trailing behind them when they move.  (Spoiler:  the rainbow one is the only one worth bothering with.)

The game is kinda confused about its own name.  When it's written in text form in menus and such (like the album menu to copy the screenshots to computer) it's written as I wrote it above, Fae Farm.  But in the game's logo it's written Faefarm.  I feel like they should have gotten that straightened out long before the game was released. 😅

Anyway, you may have noticed my rainbow flower bed in those photos.  Well, I have a video I captured about that.  (I can only hope it works.  Don't think I've ever put a video on one of these posts before.  (If it doesn't, I'll try to remember to turn it into an animated .gif tomorrow on the computer and post that.))

Wow, I hope that runs.  Won't be able to tell until I've actually posted it, though. 😰



Didn't actually have anything to say.

Just wanted to share some rainbows.  'Cause Pride.

(Ah!  I should make some flower beds in the pattern of the Asexual Pride flag!  Wait.  Wait.  No, I can't.  No gray flowers.  😭  Dang.)

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