Sunday, March 10, 2024

April A to Z Theme Reveal

     So, this is something I haven't done in a long time--and have never done on this version of my blog, having only done it back on the Wordpress version--but I'm thinking about taking part in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge this year.

    I even have a theme!  (Of sorts.)

    My theme is going to be "characters I have written about."

    Which sounds pretty dumb when I actually write it down, but...

    Some posts will be more talking about the character as a character, and some will be more focused on excerpts of my writing.  (Which sounds astonishingly arrogant now that I'm looking at it on the screen...)

    The characters are going to be a mixed bag (I don't have them all picked out, but I have at least a few candidates for almost every letter), some being truly original characters from things I've written, some being mythological figures I've written about, and some being other peoples' characters I've written fan fiction about. 😅  I might be especially looking forward to that last category, even...

    I plan to talk about what the characters are like, and why I've chosen them for the blog post, whether that's why I like them, why they're important to me, or whatever other reason I had for picking them.  (In one case, it may be "I couldn't even find any other characters whose name starts with the letter U".)  Some of them even have art I can post.  (Mostly the fan fiction, but a few of the originals, too...)

    For the most part, I'm hoping I can fulfill this challenge using works I've already released online, or plan to release eventually.  If that doesn't work, I may have to dip into older works that I would otherwise like to pretend don't exist due to sheer cringe.  (The letter "V" might require that, unfortunately...)

    Anyway, I'm hoping that this will both help me get back into the spirit of more regular blogging (instead of a frenzy of blogging in November and barely even doing so sporadically the rest of the year) and maybe also help me to start visiting other people's blogs again.

    Oh, final thought, re:  "adult content."  My blog itself does not contain adult content, but my fiction often contains swearing and sometimes contains what would be called "suggestive material" if it was in a movie.  So while my posts are totally SFW, their links may not be wholly so.  I think that leaves me okay to not click the "adult content" marker on the actual challenge form (when it's available to fill out) but if I'm wrong about that, please let me know now so I don't make that mistake later!  Thanks! 😆


  1. Fiction Challanges are always fun. Can't wait to read your posts :-)

  2. Stopping in to take a look at your theme and wish you a happy March and a wonderful April. Can't wait to read more during April! ♥

  3. This will be fun! Looking forward to it.

  4. I'll be back to check out your characters and stories.

  5. Oh my! I know I have a lot of different characters across my series, but not sure I could do an A-Z. This will be fun to follow.

  6. I did characters from my own writing as my theme in 2018, so I don't think it's too dumb or arrogant! ;P Wishing you good luck with it.

  7. Great way for your readers to learn more about the characters in your stories

  8. Great theme choice for the A to Z challenge! Looking forward to the rest of your alphabet journey!
    My topic (here: ) may not have as much appeal for everyone, but I’m going to give it a try 🙂

  9. I will be looking in to see your work - good luck this year...

  10. I can't wait to learn more about these characters! Can you also link the stories they come from (if they are available and you don't mind people reading them) so we can check them out too? This is my first challenge, so I'm loving reading all the themes!

  11. Fantastic theme you've chosen for the A to Z challenge! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the next letters of the alphabet.

  12. Fantastic theme reveal! I can't wait to explore your posts during the A to Z challenge in April. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this creative journey. Here’s a link to mine -

  13. Exciting theme reveal! I'm looking forward to following your A-to-Z journey throughout April. Best of luck with the challenge. I’ve restarted my blog and deleted all the old content since I’ve been away for about 10 years and am coming back with the A-to-Z Challenge, hopefully it’ll give me some blog theme motivation and some dedicated readers. My theme is here:

  14. I look forward to being introduced to your characters via this A-Z Challenge.
    Happy blogging, Jenny

  15. I always love seeing how other authors think of their characters, so this'll be great, and I look forward to meeting your characters.

    I’ll be doing my A to Z of me and my inspirations – hopefully I’ll be giving people some ideas about what I’m doing and why I’m writing what I do. And shedding a bit more light on something that happened to me in October.

