Monday, October 2, 2023

Amazing Idea: Rental Museum!

     Okay, maybe it's not all that amazing an idea, but it came to me as a flash of "this is exactly what I need in my life."

    So, what is a "rental museum," you may be asking?  (Assuming you're not just rolling your eyes and clicking away...)  This is an idea I literally had like five minutes ago (well, longer by the time you're reading this, lol) so it's not very fleshed out yet, but it's basically a combination museum and rental storage place.

    More accurately, it's a place where people could rent space to display their collections and thereby free up space in their homes for more collection.  😅  (Who, me?  What makes you think I have a spending problem?)

    So it'd be like renting cases at an antique mall, except that nothing's for sale.  But the up side?  It would also be open to the public so that other people could come see the collections on display (among other things, this would mean you could show people your cool collectibles without having to allow them into your home) and there would be a small fee to get in to see the collections, right?  Then as they're leaving, the guests would have the option to fill out a small form about the collections they liked and didn't like (which would be identified to your liking, so it could be by name, by nickname, internet handle, whatever), if they were likely to come back again to see any of them, and if there was one in particular they came to see.  Being highlighted in these questionnaires as something people came specifically to see (or possibly just as something people would come back to see, or just as a favorite for the visit) would net a discount on the rental of the space, proportionate to the amount of attention gained among the visitors.  So, if your collection was popular, you wouldn't even be paying for the rental space, or not much anyway.  Plus your collection would be stored in a safe, guarded place, you could come and look at everything in pristine glory whenever you wanted, and it wouldn't be cluttering up every surface in your house.

    Obviously, there would have to be safeguards in place.  A collection would have to be vetted before the rental agreement could be signed, to ensure that it contained nothing offensive or dangerous.  That kind of thing.  Also, there would need to be a way of organizing the space, so you wouldn't have a doll collection sandwiched between baseball memorabilia and war memorabilia; you'd want all the dolls in one area, the action figures in a nearby area, the show business memorabilia in another area, etc.  This might mean either moving some collections around because a particular part of the facility was full, or even turning away potential collections because their particular type of collection belonged in a section that was full, I said, this is an idea I only just had, so it's not fleshed out, and if it was really going to be a thing it would need to have all sorts of finely turned details worked out precisely as far in advance as possible.

    And, let's be real, I don't have the money, drive or social skills required to start something like this.  (And yes, social skills would be super-necessary to start something like this.  You'd have to be able to talk to a lot of people to get the funding, the location, the insurance and the staff to run such a complicated establishment.)  I just think it would be 100% a great solution to a few of my problems. 😅

    Case in point:  when I had to reorganize my Nendoroid "wall" because the Year of the Rabbit Wangxian Nendoroids arrived, I seriously found myself asking the question "which is better to go next to a ghost king, a vampire noble or the prince of the underworld?"

    (As you can see, I decided to go with the vampire.  Mostly because I thought his box fit better, thematically.  Although now that I think about it, Zagreus also would be less fitting on that row since he's from a video game, so he doesn't really fit in with characters from non-interactive media. (Okay, technically there evidently is a game based on MDZS, but it's like a cell phone thing?  I dunno; I saw it mentioned on the MDZS wiki, but I didn't look into the details at all.  (I also know of at least three fan games, but that's another matter entirely.))  Gotta say, though, the top row...that's like Lan Wangji's fondest dream:  sandwiched between two of Wei Wuxian. 🤣  He gets both the original and the Mo Xuanyu versions. 🤣  (And, ideally, someday I'll have the original Nendos of both LWJ and WWX, but I gotta find them affordably first.  Or Goodsmile could reissue them.  That would be ideal, 'cause then I wouldn't have to risk accidentally ending up with a knock-off.)

    Anyway, the fact that I had to ask that question is sort of a "send help, please" thing. 😅  (Or maybe the real "I need help" indicator is that I'll have to reorganize the whole thing again after the other Bocchi the Rock Nendos ship... 😰)

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