Wednesday, May 3, 2023

IWSG - The Heart of the Problem


    Or rather, "the heart is the problem."

    Or, more accurately, my heart hates me or something.

    Last month, I mentioned having heart palpitations which stopped me from finishing a script I was working on.

    Well, they haven't really gotten better.  I mean, they're sort of coming and going now, but at the end of the day, they're still stopping me from really applying myself to anything, because as soon as I start really concentrating, my heart starts pounding like mad or decides to slow down to a terrifying degree, and then I just have to stop what I'm doing and try to find something more relaxing to do instead until my heart calms down.

    (Even worse, I went to see a movie, and the beat of the song in the ending credits was just heavy  and loud enough that it was literally making my heart beat in time to it, and it was a fast song.  Terrifying stuff.)

    I'm able to get a little casual writing done, but not much.

    I have an appointment with a cardiologist in a couple of weeks, so hopefully by next month I'll be back on track.  (My primary care physician ran a bunch of tests, but couldn't figure out what the problem was. 😭)

    It's getting to the point where it's hard to think of myself as even a hobbyist anymore, because I can barely do any writing.

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