Wednesday, November 3, 2021

IWSG: Where do people post their work?


    So, I'm wondering where other people post their novels online.  Y'know, among those who--like myself--don't intend trying to publish them in any normal manner.

    I'm working on getting an old series of novels ready for release to the wilds of the Internet.  Book one is already out there in a slightly interactive form as a "game" on, and also in text-only form on AO3, but I feel like AO3 is actually not the right place for it, being primarily a site for fanfiction, while this novel is an original work.  It's still a derivative work, but as it's only derived from ancient sources (for book one, this is primarily just the Iliad, with bits and bobs from other ancient texts) and doesn't star any of the characters from said sources, it's not the sort of thing that people looking for something to read on AO3 are looking for.  Therefore, I want to find another place to post it online where it might find a more receptive audience.  Not that I think there are very many people that would actually enjoy it, as it's really not very good (I mean, I wrote it, of course it sucks!), but if there are any people who might like it, it'd be nice if they could find it, and AO3 is just not where they'll be looking.

    But I'm not sure where else to put it.

    All I could come up with, in fact, was posting it here on this blog.  But I'm not sure if that would work, either.  I mean, I think it's more search engine friendly than AO3 is, but other than that...

    Well, if I had no doubts, I wouldn't be asking for advice, right?

    Speaking of which, does anyone have any advice to share about where I might more successfully post the novel version?

    NaNo rebel current standing:

    Yesterday's total was 8,924
    Today's total is 14,092, which feels puny compared to the amount of time I spent on the computer today, but that's because I ended up spending four hours rereading some old side stories to these novels when I only meant to check a few things in them while having my lunch.  :teardrop:
    I did get through all of the original draft's chapter one, which clocked in at 8,322 in the previous draft, and 8,943 in the new draft.

    I need to manage my time better over the rest of the month.  Not because I don't think I can finish at this rate, but because if I'm this pokey about it, I won't end up doing anything else over the course of the month.  So I need to stop myself from rereading large swaths of the other works in the series, and I need to stop sleeping so late.  (Which is not a problem I would have if I still had a job, but...nothing I can do about that.)


  1. I'm traditionally published, but there is Wattpad if you are giving it away. If you are selling it, then Amazon, Apple, Nook, Kobo, etc.

    1. Oh, definitely for free. I have enough trouble getting anyone to read what I write as it is. If I asked them to pay first, no one would ever read it. I feel like I've heard a lot about Wattpad being a toxic environment, but I'll definitely have a look at it.
