Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Well, *Maybe* Netflix Doesn't Hate Me?


    I mean, they're still taking down The Untamed.  That's definitely a mark in the "they must hate me" box.  (Though if they'd put up the "Special Edition" version instead, that would go a long way towards removing that mark.  I've been very curious as to how in the world they can try to make it work at only twenty episodes long.)


    When the first episode of the new (Netflix-exclusive and at least partially Netflix-funded) anime of Ranma 1/2 went up, I checked out what it said regarding the cast list.  I already knew it was confirmed that both seiyuu for Ranma and the seiyuu for Akane were back,  Just scanning the cast list, I saw that it wasn't just those three:  both of Akane's sisters, Ranma's father, and--most importantly after Ranma him/herself!--Ryoga were all back!  I couldn't recall the names of the seiyuu who played Akane's father, Kuno or Shampoo, though, so I wasn't sure about them.

    Anyway, with that encouragement, I decided to give it a try.

    The opening credits visuals were fantastic, though the song accompanying them was merely so-so.  Unlike the opening credits of the original anime, which had one of the best OP songs ever, in my humble (or not so humble) opinion.  (I did not care for the new show's closing credits, visually or musically.  They weren't fitting for a fast-paced comedy in a martial arts setting.  They'd be fine for a more tame, slower-paced rom-com, though.)  Hopefully someone will post an edit of the OP to Youtube, pairing the new visuals with the original song.  That would be epic.

    For the most part, the episode was pretty much exactly the manga, as I recall it.  (Admittedly, it has been a great many years since I read the manga.)  But as I recall the first episode of the original anime was also pretty manga-accurate.  (Again, it's been many years.)  It wasn't until much later in the show that it started going off-book.  (To the extent that they changed the eventual love interests of at least two characters!)

    The first thing that made me sit up and go "whoa!" was when the Jusenkyo guide spoke.

    He's no longer using horrible, broken Japanese.  He's still got an accent, but it's not as egregious, and his Japanese is no longer broken.  (And yes, I don't speak the language, but I can recognize when the speech patterns are radically different.)  Likewise, the subtitles for his lines were not in broken English.  This is an enormous improvement, and I am desperately praying it will extend to Shampoo.  (He otherwise sounds the same, so I'm assuming that Koichi Yamadera is voicing him again, because why wouldn't he, when he's already back as Ryoga?)

    As the episode progressed, I became pretty sure that Mr. Tendo is indeed being played by someone new, but...I mean, it's been a very long time since the original anime.  His original seiyuu might not still be active (or even living; I know both Happosai's and Cologne's seiyuu have passed away, though Cologne's passed away so early that they had to recast her for the OVA, so that's a slightly different issue), but in the long run that doesn't matter.  Mr. Tendo is not a central character, and the original performance did not particularly shape him in any way.

    The various returning cast members sometimes have very different performances, other times remarkably similar ones.  Like, Kasumi in episode one could literally have been the same voice clips from Kasumi in the old episode one, because what need is there to change anything about her old performance?  Her voice was basically perfect from the start.  Kasumi is mostly an open book of a character, so it's not like there was anything to learn about her from later seasons and layer that into her first season performance.  On the other hand, Nabiki's performance (across the first two episodes) ranged from "basically identical" to "nuanced by knowledge of where the character is going" (especially in terms of her interactions with Kuno).

    Where there were major changes, unsurprisingly, were with the two leads.  In addition to the fact that both of Ranma's seiyuu were still early in their careers when the original anime was made and thus have naturally improved their craft over the decades since, there's the fact that they know so much more about the character now.  Particularly in terms of everything that's revealed by the return of Ranma's mother later on, things that the character himself is obviously painfully aware of at all times.  (The same deeper knowledge is likely part of the reason that the performance for Genma Saotome is also much differently nuanced.)  Akane's performance is likewise more nuanced, in her case not due to secrets to be revealed in the future (she really doesn't have any to speak of) but just being able to better understand the character due to having seen how she behaves and reacts in response to the myriad future events of the show.  Her lines to the doctor in the second episode were definitely Akane's performance highlight so far.

    So, yeah, this seems like a super-encouraging start so far.  Admittedly, the original anime didn't necessarily need a remake, because even where it went off the rails it still fit the tone of the original manga.  (Unlike the anime of Urusei Yatsura which by the time I stopped buying the DVDs (about halfway through the series) rarely even visited the original wacky, frenetic comedy of the manga.  It was still good, usually, but...very different.  I just don't know if I can watch the new version of that because the characters' voices were so integral to them, particularly Ataru's, and...well, Hi-dive doesn't have an app on Switch or Playstation, so it's not even an option for me at the moment.)  But getting the later seasons right and gently correcting some of the material that was mistakenly seen as acceptable in the '80s...yeah, I can get behind that.


    It still has a serious problem.

    One that is wholly Netflix.

    Namely, names.

    More specifically, how the subtitles handle those names.

    It is, sadly, not uncommon for translators to decide to "adjust" how characters interact with each other.  It's not unusual to hear the seiyuu use someone's family name, only to see the text onscreen use their given name.

    This is carried to an extreme in the Netflix subs for Ranma 1/2, particularly where the character of Kuno is concerned.

    No one--and I really do mean no one--ever calls Kuno by his given name.  No one uses it but he himself.  His peers call him "Kuno," his kohai call him "Kuno-sempai," Nabiki calls him "Kuno-chan," Kodachi of course calls him "oniichan" (or was it "oniisama"?), and as I recall his father calls him "Tacchan" or something similarly humiliating.  No one other than Kuno himself uses "Tatewaki."

    Everyone in the subtitles was using "Tatewaki."

    Even Akane.

    Literally everyone.

    No one used "Kuno" except Kuno himself when he was listing his whole name.

    This is completely backwards.

    That is deeply, deeply wrong.


    If they keep that up, it's going to make watching the show particularly painful.


    ...yeah, the jury is still out on whether or not Netflix actually hates me.

    (Pretty sure Kuno was recast, btw.  He definitely sounds radically different from how I recall him sounding.  But the performance was good, and the voice is fitting for the character, so that's not a problem.)

Friday, October 4, 2024

Does Netflix hate me?

 Last night, I logged into Netflix and saw a red "Leaving Soon" banner on the thumbnail for The Untamed.


How can they do this to us?

First they took down Season One of Heaven Official's Blessing, leaving us with no option but to either never revisit it or to suffer through the unwatchable Crunchyroll/Funimation subtitles.  (This was likely forced on them by Crunchyroll/Funimation, of course, but still felt like a stab in the back anyway.)

And now they're going to take away The Untamed, too.

I know it's not the greatest adaptation around, and because of its runtime reading the novel is significantly faster than watching the whole show, but...I still love it anyway!

But they're taking it down.

Leaving us with only the ghastly Youtube subtitles.  The ones that use "childe" for "gongzi."  Despite that no one's used "childe" seriously since Lord Byron, and he was being purposefully archaic!

I kept saying it all through my rewatch, that we need a good and proper domestic Blu-ray release.

That has become even more important now.

If anyone happens to read this who has any social media accounts, please start sending social media messages to any company that seems likely to be willing to do a domestic Blu-ray release of The Untamed.  (My money, personally, would be on Shout Factory, as they do a lot of sentai, kaiju and I think also martial arts stuff, so they're used to working with subtitles on long projects.  Also to more niche releases.  (Someone also needs to get on them to convince Disney to let them do a Blu-ray release of The Owl House, too...)  But approaching Seven Seas (who handle the novel and the comic adaptation) and getting them to partner with a Blu-ray publisher of their choice would also work.)  Unfortunately, I don't have any social media accounts, and my heart problems (which coincidentally have been going nuts today) forbid me from even thinking of getting any.

I feel like I could moan about this for days, but I need to turn in and get a good night's sleep, since lack of sleep is one of the factors making my heart act so crazy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

IWSG: good grief


    Ugh, somehow I haven't posted anything since last month.  I keep starting posts and not finishing them.

    Which kind of feels emblematic of everything I'm doing lately.  Though I guess in the case of my writing it's more like being stuck in a rut of editing and waiting to edit but not doing much in the way of writing.

    Though I did at least write a very brief short story over the last few days.  Nothing exciting or special or even good, least it was writing instead of editing or working on compiling my resource document on supernatural beings in Chinese mythology.  😅

     I think my rut will probably naturally break once cool weather finally arrives.  I just don't work well in heat.

    At least, I hope it will.


    Not much of a post.

    But I can't answer the suggested question, because my policy on scary things is to avoid them. 😅  Though I have read Dracula a few times.  Not sure if vampires apply, though, since the question was about "ghostly" stories.  I don't usually read things with ghosts.


    Okay, depending on what the ghosts are like.  I mean, technically Hua Cheng is a ghost.  (Technically?)  But Heaven Official's Blessing is not really what I would call a "ghostly" story, despite how many of the cast are ghosts.  There are ghosts in Mo Dao Zu Shi, too, but they're not really all that large a part of the plot.

    That's a thought, though.  Rereading Heaven Official's Blessing for Halloween would be a trip.  🤣

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

IWSG: Recalibration writing journey has felt very futile lately.  To the point where I've wondered if giving up wouldn't be the best plan.  Not giving up on writing entirely--I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't write!--but giving up on sharing my writing with others in any way.

    Which I suppose is pretty pathetic all around, considering I only share it in very minimal ways:  I post it as fan-fiction on AO3 or I post free text-based games on  Not like there's any pressure involved or any necessity to "do well."  (And good thing for that, because what I write does not "do well" by any logical metric.)  Though I do feel like by sharing it publicly then it's slightly less of a waste of my (admittedly worthless) time to write it in the first place.


    I had wanted to talk about a book on writing I read recently, but somehow I am unable to change the subject.

    Maybe I need to do something else for a while and come back to this post later.

       I've been something of a weird wreck the last few days.

        Probably not going to make a lot of sense until I normalize again.

         Sorry for yet another wasted post.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Notes on my rewatch of The Untamed's spin-off movie Fatal Journey

     Because it's necessary for me to rewatch this, too, since I need a better grip (regrip?) on the Nie brothers and their ages and their relationship.  Also because I used the character Nie Zonghui, who was invented for the spin-off movie, because there aren't actually that many characters in the original story who aren't clan leaders and clan heirs, so why in the world would I pass up on a character I didn't have to invent myself?

    I am going to try to limit my notes to things actually useful for the editing of my fic this time, because otherwise this would end up a mile long.

    So, anyway, nothing but more rambling nonsense and spoilers below the read more tag.